Unfortunately, I don’t have a whole lot going on with the earth oven right now. Our son started school recently and our lives have been very busy these last weeks so I have had no time to devote to the project. One of the things that has used up my time is the next post! I also feel like I have had to change my plan for the design. It is a change I haven’t 100% committed too but I am looking for opinions now. Here is my dilemma…..
Our circumstances are such that we may be relocating within a year. Do I invest time, effort and money in doing the rib vault base only to leave it behind?
It was hard to leave our Wood Fired Oven up in CT when we moved and the rib vault is something that would be tough to build and not enjoy it since I have been wanting to craft one for a long time. I do have an alternate design that I think is cool but it wouldn’t include the technical involvement needed to build the rib vault.
I pose a question to you the readers. Do I go forward with my plan for the vault?
After all I will have to build another oven anyway. Do I go for it or do it build the easier alternative? You obviously don’t know all our circumstances but what do you want to see? I have to say, I am waffling back and forth…I can argue both sides. At a stalemate decision wise, I am looking for any opinions on this.
Anyone? Anyone? Beuller? Bueller?
MzunguEriki says
life is the journey isnt it?
Matt Sevigny says
Yeah and I’m just trying figure out how much effort to put into the base. I’ll probably figure it out soon.
Anna says
Naw, skip it, I say. Get right to the good stuff….mmmm, pizza!
Bring all your stone & bricks with you to the next place.
Where are you moving, anyway?
Matt Sevigny says
Anna, that is part of the dilemma too. It’s the end not the means I am really looking forward to…pizza! But I know I’ll kick myself if I don’t do something different or push myself in someway. I have a new simpler design I think I will go with…I’ll talk about it soon.
As to where we are going….that’s still a secret for now.
Sean says
I’d do the rib. Gives you practise for the next one. As you can see from Eriks (fundi’s)vaults, you may not get it perfect the first time. The again, getting ‘er done and eating Pizza is a worthwhile goal as well
Matt Sevigny says
I had a feeling you would say that Sean!
I just don’t think I want to invest a large amount of time into another oven I have to leave behind. But like I said in my comment to Anna, I still want to do something different. I have an idea for something I think is cool and it wouldn’t be as intensive labor wise.
MzunguEriki says
Save the rib for the next house is my vote.
Matt Sevigny says
Oh yeah, and it still involves a pointed arch or two!
Clark says
I must have missed this post somewhow…
Since we’re quoting movies, “Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it.”
I hear you on not wanting to invest the time on something you might not get to enjoy. But it could also be a chance to have a practice run. Of course if you’re anything like me, the second go around is always a little less passionate when you have to do it again.
You just have to appproach it like you’re staying, and if you don’t, well you get to do it again, but even better.
Matt Sevigny says
I just stopped by to delete a ridiculous spam comment and yours came through right after!
Clark I am doing it! In fact I am working on an update right now.