I wanted to finish this piece before I posted about it, but I may not be able to work at it much the next few weeks. What I have here is going to be the outer arch. It is granite that came home with me after a trip to New England, and it will find a home on this oven. So here is a brief sequence showing the progress to date. For further reading about cutting stone, check out these posts.
Here is what I’m working on.
The raw form. I’m going to leave that broken corner and work it into the design somehow.
Traced my arch onto the granite. It is opened up 3/8″ from one side to the other.
Large sections of waste are cut and chiseled off.
Smaller cuts and more finesse are needed the closer you get to your line.
The radius is shaping up.
Were I’m at with it…rain and T-storms told me to stop. A couple hours should do it.
I plan on boring all of you with a personal interest post next!
Karl Kaufman says
Awesome, what are the dimensions on that? How are you going to finish the inside? Bush hammer?
I’m doing a very similar shape as part of my sculpture I’m working on.
Matt Sevigny says
The stone is 29.25″ x I can’t remember (I think 18″-20″) x 5.5″. The arch with is 19.25″ with a 11.5″ rise on one side, 19″ x 11.25 on the other (approx) Yes, I plan on bush hammering it right now, but I am debating whether I should just hone it to make it look time worn. I have some other design elements I am doing (a bevel in the outer edge) too, maybe I’ll do both techniques…we shall see.